Desperately Seeking Beauty

January 9, 2009

There is a saying that says beauty is only skin deep. I truly believe and live each day as a woman who sees beauty in individuality. But while I do believe and live in that sense of importance for ones true self – for many women and tween/teen girls—beauty is directly related and decided by the endless barrage of media that tells us a women must be tall and thin with a long mane of gorgeously coiffed hair and dressed in fabulous designer clothes to be qualified to be beautiful.
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Motrin’s giving me a headache.

November 18, 2008

You know, even when I was a young girl I felt different. I wasn’t into the same things as a lot of the other little girls—skipping about in their little dresses and pigtails. I was a loner. I enjoyed reading and writing my own little stories; I could spend hours drawing and not even care whether I saw another human face (other than the one I’d just sketched). I always thought I was a bit of an odd-ball—not that there’s anything wrong with that! So from my somewhat unique vantage point, it’s interesting to me to see how this whole ‘Motrin’ debacle has been playing out.
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